Dear Equinox Vidder,
I want to thank you for making a vid for me! I love all these sources and can't wait to see what you will do with them. I like many kinds of vids, they can be sad, funny, silly, serious, over the top, a mixture of things. I like character studies, ensemble vids, shipping and slash vids, meta vids, it's all good. The same goes for music, I tend to prefer fast paced songs, but there are also vids to slow songs out there that I adore. The only dislike I have is that I don't like voice overs. A bit of dialogue at the beginning or end is fine, but constant dialogue during a vid does not work for me. It pulls me out of the flow and I don't know whether to listen to the song or the lines and I end up not being able to get into it. There are some rare exceptions to this, but I cannot explain why those are working for me, so I'd prefer no dialogue during the vid at all.
These are the sources I chose and love with some thoughts and suggestions:
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
I love Dolores and everything she does for her daughter. I also love her relationship with Vera. Just amazing women being amazing.
Ronja Rövardotter (1984)
This movie is a childhood favorite! I love Ronja and her family, I love the robbers and I love how she and Birk bring their families together.
I love the show and would love a vid about any of them or an ensemble vid. Though, I have to say that I have a special love for all of Raylan's bad yet awesome choices.
The Vampire Diaries
Some man eye candy stuff would be much appreciated. I love Damon/Stefan, Damon/Alaric and Damon/Enzo.
Multi Fandom
I love vids about certain recurring themes, visual, thematic, narrative, etc., so feel free to do that with my requests. Feel also free to add other based on books sources if they fit your concept.
True Blood
This show is visually stunning, I can't wait to see what you do with it.
Black Sails
I love this gorgeous and perfect show! Flint, Silver, Vane, Flint/Silver, Flint/Thomas Hamilton, Flint&Vane, Flint&Silver, any of those characters and pairings are fine (other characters and pairings are also fine, these are just my favorites). An ensemble vid would also be amazing and if you have a certain theme/topic in mind, go for it.
The Color Purple
I love Celie and Shug and Nettie! I love that after all the awfulness they win!
These are just some ideas and suggestions. Have fun vidding!!
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