Dear Yuletide Author 2015

Oct 26, 2015 22:38

Dear Writer,

I suspect that the both of us are very busy during this time of the year. So thank you for taking the time to write a story for me. I'll try to keep this letter as brief yet informative as possible.

Basic Details:

The first thing that you need to know about me is that I am ridiculously easy to please when it comes to fan fiction. Avoid my dislikes and utilize my likes and I will love your story.

Likes: Backstory. Canon divergance. Missing scenes. Future fic. Plotty fic. Domestic fic. Fic about weddings, holidays, and other special occasions. Kids and babies. (But not pregnancy itself as a main plot point) Friends to lovers. Slow burn romance. Snarky couples. Couples who argue as a subliminal form of flirting. Unresolved sexual tension that gets resolved in spectacular-and probably loud-fashion. Happy couples.

Dislikes: AUs. Issuefic. Character bashing. Second person. Deathfic. Darkfic. Angst. OOC. PWP. Kink. M/M slash.

Favorite Genres: Comedy, romance, and drama.

Preferred Ratings: PG to R.

Fandoms Requested: Christy-Catherine Marshall, seaQuest, and Earth 2(TV 1994)

Christy-Catherine Marshall

Why I love This Canon: Christy Huddleston's story is universal. It's the story of young adulthood: who am I, who do I want to be, and what do I believe? I also love this book for interactions with her students, the look into Appalachian culture, and a love triangle that doesn't make you want to smack all three participants.

My Favorite Characters: Christy Huddleston for her idealism and determination. Dr. Neil MacNeill for being the stubborn and forthright man who challenges Christy and helps her to grow as a person.

My OTP: Neil MacNeill/Christy Huddleston

Where Is This Canon: The novel is avilable on Amazon.


1) The book is written from Christy Huddleston's POV. I'd love to see sections of the book from Neil's perspective. (Especially at Ruby Mae's wedding!) What did he think of Christy at first? When did his feelings toward her begin to change? When did he realize that, and how did he react?

2) Tell me about Neil and Christy's courtship . How long does it take Christy to tell him that she heard his bedside confession? What's their like courtship like - is it stormy and dramatic, sickeningly sweet, or somewhere in between?

3) Show me their wedding. How does Christy reconcile her expectations of a wedding with the realities of a mountain wedding? How well do those two worlds mesh? What's the ceremony like? How many traditions are Neil and Christy willing to compromise on? Will anyone try and shivaree them?


Why I Love This Canon: When I refer to canon, I refer to season one. The other seasons do not interest me. That being said? I love seaQuest for the sheer batshit crazy of it all. They tried to reign in the crazy but some of the crazy broke free. Ghosts? Aliens? William Shatner as a somewhat credible villain? Fine. I'm there.

My Favorite Character: The woman that seemed to be at the center of a lot of the crazy. Dr. Kristin Westphalen had a hell of a year on seaQuest: held hostage, pranking serial killers, possessed, stuck on a raft in the Bermuda Triangle, taking command in an emergency situation, and so on. Yet through it all she kept her wits about her and never missed an opportunity for sarcasm. She's intelligent, capable, and stands up for what she believes in.

Favorite Ship: Nathan Bridger/Kristin Westphalen


1) Kristin's perspective on the things that happened to her while onboard seaQuest. How does she explain some of them, such as the incident with the ghosts? How does she justify some of her actions, such as contemplating murder? Does she regret anything she did or didn't do while onboard?

2) Dr. Rubin Zellar escapes prison. His one goal: revenge on Kristin Westphalen. How does he go about this? How does Kristin handle him this time?

3) What happened to Kristin after the first tour? Did she leave for a better opportunity? My personal favorite theory is that she took Malcolm Lansdowne up on his offer. Would she be happy on the island? What about the Bridger situation-do they do the long distance thing or part friends? (I ship her with Malcolm too, so either one of those options is up to you)

Earth 2

Why I Love This Canon: Devon Adair, first woman in charge on a network sci-fi series. Clancy Brown getting the chance to play a (relatively) good guy for once. Flawed characters that still managed to make me care about what happened to them. And yes, more batshit craziness: the pollen trope inverted, dream sex, and spiders with the power of teleportation. Not to mention aliens, aliens, and more aliens. Creepy aliens that pop up in your dreams, klepto aliens with a taste for human blood, and cute little aliens that put you into a coma for three days. What's not to love?

My Favorite Character: Heiress, architect, businesswoman, determined mother, and visionary. Throughout the course of the series, Devon Adair came out of her shell and opened up to the others in the group. She learned new roles for an unexpected life as she went along. Yes, I am still mad about ending on THAT cliffhanger, and I will be mad about it until the end of time.

My OTP:John Danziger/Devon Adair. The Princess of The Stations and the drone with a chip on his shoulder. Two people who think they're such opposites finding out how much they have in common. Or finding out how well they work together once the arguing stops. (All of that arguing is verbal foreplay imo)


1) Devon Adair, juvenile delinquent with a criminal record a mile long. Why did she act out? What did she do to get a record? Canon tells us that her mother died when was eighteen, was that one of the things that made Devon clean up her act? Was her record expunged? Who knows about Devon's delinquent past?

2) True Danziger had her father to herself for twelve years, so it's possible that she wouldn't take too kindly to sharing him with someone else. Especially if that someone else is the (seemingly) perfect Devon Adair. How do Devon and True come to terms with each other? Perhaps there's a situation that they can only get out of by helping each other? Tying in with the first prompt, maybe True finds out about Devon's less than perfect past which helps as well.

3) What's an average day for Devon in New Pacifica? What's her role in the daily operations of the colony? Is it her "day job" and if not what is her day job? Who are her friends? Is she single, living with someone, married? Does she have more children? What does she think about the current state of her ambitious Project?

That should do it. Again, thank you dear author. Happy Yuletide!
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