Dear Yuletide Writer 2013

Oct 08, 2013 00:42

Dear Yuletide Writer,
First and foremost, thank you! You are taking time out of your busy life to write a story just for me. You are appreciated more than you know. (Especially during this particular holiday season)
Let's get this out there: I want you to enjoy writing for me. I've requested six fandoms: The Caster Chronicles, Christy, Earth 2, The Real Ghostbusters, seaQuest DSV, and The Spiritwalker Trilogy. To try and make your task easier, I've included prompts for each fandom. If you use them, great! If you don't, great! Relax. Breathe. Be yourself and write what you want. I am ridiculously easy to please. The idea of getting fic out of any of these fandoms fills me with crazy amounts of squee. As long as you are mindful of my general likes and dislikes, I have no doubt I'll love your story.

In General

What I Like In My Fan Fiction:

Shipping preferences: devoted couples who still bicker with each other, het, romance, unresolved sexual tension, happy endings, bittersweet endings with hope, and love with mutual respect.

Gen preferences: close-knit circles of friends, blood family, families of choice, female friendships, male/Female friendships, witty banter.

Genre preferences: Christmas fic focusing on the secular aspects of the holiday, character study, introspection, fix-its, missing scenes, slice of life, backstory, fluff, humor, and kid fic.

What I Do Not Like In My Fan Fiction:

I do not like: m/m slash, pwp, heavy angst, erotica, explicit kink, character bashing, ignoring/leaving out/playing down female characters, death, hopeless endings, over the top crack fic, breaking up my OTPs, and

Fandom Specific:

The Caster Chronicles- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Favorite character: Macon Ravenwood.

Why: His whole persona. The streak of dry humor. The way he loves and cares for Lena even though he expects her to be the end of him. The ultimate Moment of Awesome when he sweeps into the room and owns the entire PTA meeting. That was what solidified his position as my favorite character in the series.
Ship prompt: After the major events of Beautiful Redemption, Macon realizes what's been right in front of him for years- Marian.
Gen prompt: Macon's reasoning and thoughts behind taking in Lena. Or post Beautiful Redemption, Ridley and Lena work on repairing their former friendship.

Christy-Catherine Marshall:
Favorite characters: Christy Huddleston and Neill MacNeill.
Why: They're adorable? In all seriousness, I love these two because they compliment each other. They make each other better. They tease and pick at each other, sometimes to the point of argument, but they always listen to each other.
Ship prompt: In the aftermath of Neil's bedside confession, Christy has to sort out her own feelings on the matter. Or I'd love to see his proposal and their wedding.
Gen prompt: In her outline for the sequel, Marshall had a married Neil and Christy running a clinic serving the residents of the cove. What's a day like for them?

Earth 2:
Favorite character: Devon Adair
Why: She has the savvy to run her own business, the strength to be a single parent to a sick child, and the determination to launch an expedition to another planet. She's an idealist learning to temper her idealism with a little more...practicality. She has faults and flaws to balance out her good qualities.
Ship prompt: The Elder already told Danziger that he is in love with Devon. When does the man accept it and when does he admit it to Devon?
Gen prompt: There's a fanon that brings me great joy: Devon Adair, juvenile delinquent. What exactly did she do? How did she get past that phase of her life? What if her son and True find out? Or who is Uly's father and why is he out of the picture?

The Real Ghostbusters
Favorite character: Janine Melnitz.
Why: Her quirkiness. Her big mouth and bigger heart. Her take no crap from anyone approach to life. Her efficiency in handling the ups and downs of the weirdest office job in history. Her loyalty to the ones she loves.
Ship prompt: In one of the early drafts of the first movie, Egon and Janine *married*. If this had happened, how would it have affected the RGB verse?
Gen prompt: In “The Brooklyn Triangle”, Janine's lost yearbook tells us that she graduated high school in 1977. '77 was more than a little crazy in NYC - where was Janine in the middle of all of this? To see what I mean, see NY77: The Coolest Year in Hell, available in four parts on YouTube.

seaQuest DSV:
Favorite character: Kristin Westphalen.
Why: Her intelligence. Her practicality. Her snark. Her ongoing feud with Ford. Her dedication. I shipped her with Nathan Bridger like I worked for UPS.
Ship prompt: After more than ten years apart, is there any hope for Kristin and Bridger to reconnect? Super Soapy Edition: Looking for information about his lost son, Nathan Bridger goes to see his old intel source, Malcolm Lansdowne. Imagine his surprise in finding out that Kristin has been hanging around the island for the past seven years or so.
Gen prompt: Kristin reflects on the events aboard the George (During the episode "Knight of Shadows") Super Soapy Edition: Lillian Straithairn's bodyjacking had unintended consequences: it left Kristin as a “sensitive”. Craziness ensues.

Spiritwalker Trilogy-Kate Elliott:
Favorite characters: Catherine and Andevai.
Why: They're perfect. I cannot begin to describe their perfection. I love them together because they're honest about the fact that while they can't live without each other, they're not quite sure they can live with each other. They snark, the argue, they constantly misinterpret the other's meaning, but there is obviously a great love between them. They snark beautifully. He had to work to win her heart, but she had his from the get go. I could go on for hours...
Ship prompt: Cat and Vai verses pregnancy and parenthood.
Gen prompt: I also love the friendship between Cat and Bee. Pre-canon, what is the worst scrape the Barahal cousins ever got into and how did they get out of it?

And there you have it, my letter. Have fun!

Thanks again,
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