Dear Writer of Rare Women

Feb 22, 2013 16:24

Dear Writer,
First of all, thank you for writing a story for me. The ladies listed below are very near and dear to my fannish heart. To read a new story about any of them would be a joy.

About Me

What do I like a story? I like backstory, future speculation, chosen families, friends to lovers, female POV, female friendships, well-rounded women doing awesome things, "day in the life" stories, humor, romance, m/f, f/f, multi, couples engaged in witty back and forth, what ifs, fix-it fics, and filling in missing spots in canon.

What do I dislike in a story? I dislike implausible crossovers and AUs, fluff, pointlessness, character bashing, OOC behavior, excessive gore, excessive angst, excessive kink, graphic sex, and heavy angst.

About My Fandoms

Big O
What I Like About R. Dorothy Wayneright: her forthright nature, her personal existential crisis, and her way of approaching the world she finds herself in.
Ships(If Applicable): Roger/Dorothy.

Doctor Who
What I Like About Ace: her fearlessness, the vulnerability she hides beneath her bluster, and her loyalty.
What I Like About Nyssa: her intelligence, her empathy, and her chill personality.
What I Like About Tegan: her bark that's worse than her bite, her sense of right and wrong, and her determination.
Ships(If Applicable): Seven/Ace, Five/Tegan, Nyssa/Tegan, Five/Tegan/Nyssa.

Earth 2
What I Like About Bess: her steel beneath sweetness, her ability to see the good in people, and the fact that she is probably the person best equipped to survive an expedition.
What I Like About Devon: Her drive, her optimism, and the fact that she organized, paid for, and launched an interstellar expedition-singlehanded. The woman is a boss.
What I Like About True: her capacity for trouble, her moxie, and the potential to be the young woman we saw in the possible-future episode.
Ships(If Applicable): Devon/Danziger.

The Real Ghostbusters
What I Like About Janine Melnitz: her loyalty, her smart mouth, and her capacity to handle the truly bizarre without turning a hair.
Ships(If Applicable): I ship Janine with literally everyone just because, but my ultimate OTP is Egon/Janine.

Again, thank you!
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