Tattoo Wishlist...

Oct 08, 2009 11:55

Large pixie wings across the back.
Approved by Mistress as the next tattoo Lilly is to get.  Must be started (and hopefully finished) while back in the US)
Currently being colored by a very dear friend.

Infinity symble with gay pride markings along it
In the approval process
Needs to be finished

Small cupcake on ankle
Aproved by Mistress, will hopefully be done at the same time as the Infinity symbol (if approved).
Needs to be designed.

Safety pinned heart
In the pending approval process.
Needs to be finished

Digital Pheonyx on the back of the neck
Approved and will hopefully be done shortly after returning to England

The word "Eudeamon" written in a band around right upper arm
In the pending approval process.
Needs to be designed before they can be approved.

Ball jointed doll joints on knees (and possibablly elbows)
In the pending approval process.
Needs to be designed before they can be approved.

full leg tattoo filled with pixies and lilies
In the pending approval process.
Needs to be designed before they can be approved.
Pictures currently being compiled to be put into a design.

Corset Piercing Tattoo
In the pending approval process.
Needs to be designed before they can be approved.

Lady Bug On top Of Head
Approved but hope to never have the opertunity to get the tattoo, would require a shaved head.

Will post updates as they come, will also be posting pictures of all the current tattoos Lilly has.

Lilly A. Noodle, Queen of the Waffle, Defender of Toast

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