Jul 30, 2007 01:33
updates are a little few and far between these days, but i guess absence makes the heart grow fonder.
this however, is worthy of a post as it is BIG news (TM).
it'll be at the registry office, housed in the wonderfully gothic architecture of the Rochdale town hall and there will be photos and parties and smiles and dresses.
my parents are incredibly pleased as Dave has that wonderful knack of being liked by everyone instantly and even my grandparents are chuffed. life is finally really, really good again.
i have three bridesmaids already, as Dave's daughter, my kid cousin, and my step sister are all quite insistent. from the way Jenna's talking her dress is going to upstage mine!
haven't got a ring as of yet, as i'm struggling to find one that a) i like and b) isn't either identical or extremely similar to the last one! will keep looking and post a pic for anyone who might be interested.
more details as they are worked out.