n_n I like online shopping~

Jan 24, 2008 04:57

I also like video games.

So I got Chrono Cross early in the month and beat it. I got most of its endings, and I have to say I enjoyed the game very much. Even if it was easy as hell. I also liked it cause it had sooo many cool girl characters. Like Leena. She fights with a frying pan n_n

I'm so addicted to amazon. e_e; I can find any video game I want it seems. I ordered Persona 3 and a guide for it, should arrive tomorrow. I'm excited,I mean it -was- voted best PS2 game/RPG of the Year by a ton of sites. Plus the hero is a totally cute japanese emo-looking boy. o_o;

I also ordered Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, because I missed out on it at EB like 8 years ago. xD; I've heard its easy and generic, but its main character is a girl and her party members are puppets. and her prince is kiddaped by a villin in a thong! Who happens to be a speical party member you can get in Disgaea. o_o; Anyway. It should be here on friday or saturday. n_n

On the first I'm gonna buy this dating-ish sim game called Animamundi: Dark Alchemist, it has gothic lolita art and yaoi themes. But if you dont want the main character to be gay he can also end up with one of girls too. :o It looks pretty. I saw cosplayers and art for it at Fanime a few years back..

e_e; Yes, my world revolves aroud video games.

Oh in other news, we had to re-register to vote (the California thingers for the Democratic? nomination? is coming up Feb 3rd?4th?) becase they still had our old address. Hopefully they'll come in time. u_u Not that it'll matter. We have to vote abesentie because our area doesnt have enough voters to support a polling place (even though theres one a mile away..) we cant goto it cause its in a different area they said. .__.; Bah they never count the absentie ballets. ;-;

rhapsody, chrono cross, alchemist, disgaea, voting

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