Feb 11, 2011 03:05
I feel really, really homesick suddenly. It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep or stop crying. No, nothing bad happened... I just feel it really suddenly more than usual. The funny thing is... I don't really know what I'm homesick for. It's not like I have a home in America. I feel homesick for people and for scenes. For memories? I feel homesick for Apollo, Emmaly, and Rachel. I want to stand in Rachel's kitchen with everyone around and Itty under my feet. I want to sit around a dinner table with everyone again, not saying anything just being full. I want to drive along the road to nowhere in particular with everyone. I want....I want... you guys! Why did I have to pick the other side of the world??? What's wrong with me??? What's wrong with technology, why can't I just be there in a second and stay for a day like it's nothing? I want to be with the people who have seen my worst side, my selfish side, and who accept it without question. No matter what, I can be who I want around you guys, and you'll just accept that it's something I'm doing, not that it is me. You guys have seen the widest range of my personality and I feel like if anyone knows me, it's you. I want to have high school sleepovers again....