Dec 15, 2003 08:17
Well I did it! I join livejournal!!! Now I hope I can update my journal more offen...hopely. I recently lost my folder that contain files for my website when re-formatting the computer. My computer hasn't been working for over 3 weeks, so I had a friend came over to fix it! Now the only thing I need to fix is my connection to the printer to the computer. Anyway...I thought I'd save the folder, but I guess I'd save a short-cut...grrr. OO well no big lost since the sites that I'm working on now (which are up) are saved on my zip. ^.^, I think its just my fan fics and my awards for my main that I need to get again. Hopely nothing else.
Yess finally FINALS are over and I don't have to worry about anything for a while...for now at less. I hope to be able to update more on my sites over break! My new layout for my main will be up sometime over break. After I get back from visiting my relatives for x'mas and new year, I will be updating my main site more!
I'm going to try to draw alot/some fan art over break for Ohayocon! I'm taking my drawing pad, artist pencils, color pencils, etc down with me to South Carolina. My little cousin loves to drawing so we normally take an afternoon and sit down and draw for hours. I can't wait!
I'm not a big fan when it comes to my family(meaning my mom and step-dad), but yesterday they came up for x'mas since grandma and I are leaving this friday. I got Gone with the Wind DVD from my bros, X-men Collection 4 disc DVD boxset from my parents. ^.^ Now I have some movies to watch over break.....with some or alot of anime that I need to caught up on! I'm starting out with One Piece!
Gotta run for now! Be back soon!
Lilly Peacecraft
aka Lilly-chan