What the world needs now, is love, sweet love

Jan 18, 2005 13:54

Okay, so I'm sitting here in Posvar's computer lab waiting for all my stuff to print out. And I have to pee like a racehorse. Does anybody see a problem here, because I most certainly do. There are 35 zillion people waiting for their print outs too, so it looks like I'm gonna be here a while. Aka, I'm gonna sit here until 2:10, go get my stuff, pee and go to the library. Yeah, you totally wanted to know ALL about what I'm about to go do.

So on to more interesting stuff (but only for fake). Friday Anne left me for Lancaster and I headed to North Hills to see Lauren and Gen for the night. It was fabulous. We ended up at TGIFriday's for a fabulous meal and a few drinks (minus drinks for me). After dinner, Laur and Gen went to the liquor store while I shopped at GE for some dry goods. Well, that turned into a few more items than "some" dry goods, but Lauren's good humored and now I don't have to shop for the next month and a 1/2. We headed back to Lauren's for drinks... we watched a movie and promptly fell asleep by 12:30. Hot. I got some sweet ass drunk phone calls from the Erc and Tia, which surprised me b/c Tia and I don't call one another on a regular basis. She had been on Melwood, except I wasn't there. Yeah.

We got up the next morning, sans hangovers. Gen left and Lauren and I went to the Waterfront all day. I did WAY too much shopping but got fabulous things and I'm happy. So thats all that matters. Came home, watched the Steelers almost get their butts kicked, and hung out with Lisa for the rest of the night. Mad bonding. Horray!

Sunday I woke up and did nothing. Later, Lisa, Ethan, Kristen and I went to Southside to celebrate Ethan's 21st at the Pittsburgh Steakhouse Co. Cool place, good atmosphere, decent food. Came back home after waiting an eternity in the cold for a bus and promptly got wasted. Then died.

Monday I got up, did some stuff and went to Monroeville with Lisa and Bill. Shopped and spent too much money again. Went to Applebee's, burped real loud and didn't realize it... embarrassing the CRAP outta myself. God I suck. Come home, fell in love with Anne again, played Mario Kart, went to bed. Except I didn't fall asleep till 4:15. Win.

Acutally I'm lying. Lose. I slept through my Western Civ lecture, the only class I had today. Got up when Anne came in around 10:45. Did some stuff around and now I'm here, writing this to all you people, and waiting for my stupid papers to print out. I seriously lead the most exciting life in the whole world.

Next weekend looks to be more exciting. I hope I'm right.


There will be a party in celebration of her birth on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005

Please attend. No cover.

Thats all I got. Later kids.

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