Mar 26, 2005 08:40
ok well so much for updating when i feel better. im still sick, but i figured id update anyways. Mexico in one word...amazing. There were sometimes when i wanted to die, like when we were on non-airconditioned busses for more than half the trip, people almost getting pushed off a pyramid by tiny little mexican kids, running into a lady in the airport withh all of my bags and her screaming 'HOOPLA' ( i dont know, that was just weird), but it was still an awesome trip. I hung out with darcy and cristi most of the time and alittle with laura :) which was alot of fun.
The school we went to was alot different. Still fun. Everyone was really nice and cool. We got to meet new people and hang out with them.
On the first full day there we went on a red double decker tour bus.Dont remember much of the bus ride.. because i was sitting next to cristi so we were talking, sleeping and taking random pictures. Then we got off and looked around someplaces, went into the cathedral. Most of the kids we went with arent religious at all, and while there were services goign on there were having water bottle races and sliding on the waxed floors.Then we went to eat at this really old resturant. We devoured all the rolls and i got the most disgusting thing. It was meat with chocolate and i basically threw up so i had to have some of cristis and darcys. We walked around some more and then went back home. We watched tv and then went to a cafe with my 'family' and ate and the power went out a few times, so we talked by some strangers lighter. Then we went back home and went to bed.
The rest of the days are a blur, dont remember what happened on what days, but one day we went to the university and went into the pit of rocks but them they told it it was known for giant spiders so everyone ran out screaning but i stayed and adam stayed with me and we walked across to the other side and i clieberd up this huged rock wall, so i tried o get over it but i couldnt swing my leg over so i had to go back down but thses old mexican guys gave me a standing ovation and said i was brave, so it was funny. But my leg was too shots to reach the ground so adam had to 'catch' me and it was funny. Then one night we went bowling with laura darcy and jake and their host people. I thought i really sucked but the first time i bowled i got a strike, so i won one game and had the highest in the second game becasue we didnt finish that game. It was fun. Then darcy and i were going to go to a party after but we didnt end up going. Then we went to the pyramids. It was actually really scary because people were pushing and shoving to get tot the top. Finally when we got to the top, they told us that people who want to get in touch with the gods wear all white. Well, it turns out that day i was wearing my white capis and white tank top, so all the old mexican people wanted pictures with me.. it was weird. There is this one piece of metal on top of the pyramid that is no bigger than a penny, and that is why peopel climb the pyramid to touch the metal. So i basically dove on peopel to get in there, and now my pinky is holy. ..pretty exciting. Then we walked around to other pyramids. Its really weird becasue people wolf whistle anywhere you go, even if youre with adults. Then another day we hung out at the school all day. There was an academic fair so they didnt have any classes. Everyone was hanging out, but i decided to help so i painted. But then someone took my bruse so i decided to paint with my hands and then i poked someone with my ppaint and then the room was a war zone with paint. It was fun, and then we all washed up and then hung out. Then we went to another classroom where they had a 'casino' and there were kids playing strip roullet, so cristi darcy and i were watching and playing before it turned into strip, so it was funny.One day we went on these wooden boats and some many man pused us with long was fun we laid back in the sun and relaxed. Then after that we went to school and went to the movies. We got some ice cream (of course i didnt order) and hung around for awhile and then went into the movies. We saw the ring 2. It was in english but subtitles in spanish. It was really funny becasue everyone screamed and the guys didnt care if girls thought they were scared, and that was the best part because there were be like 5 people in one chair huddled together with their hands over their eyes,and it was they funniest thing. Then i went to a girls house, marisol with my person and we ate and hung out and then went back to 'my' house and got ready gfor the club. Actually we made food and almost durnt the house down for most of the time and then spend an our takin pictures of the mess and then about 5 minutes getting ready, but its all the same. Then we left for the club and when we got there i saw cristi and darcy, with a mean look on their faces becasue i didnt wear the skirt that we bought at abercrombie because other mexicans told me id probobly get raped... soooo . haha but it was fun. Nothing like ive ever been too. Then we wen back to the hosue and slept. The next day we went to the mall and i bought a few things, and then we went to the towns and looked at different markets and the wooden sculptures and paitings. The day before we left we went to jakes hosts summer house and went swimming. Everyone learned that i cant dive if thereisnt a diving board becasue i just did belly flops or summer saults. Then we left and i went to starbucks with cristi and darcy and some funny stuff happened there...but thats for us to know. Then we went home and i had to pack all of my stuff.. but i had to throw some old clothes away becasue i coudlnt close my suitcase : \ ...Saying bye was hard, becasue theres a big chance ill never see these people again. I want to go back this summer becasue i really liked it and these people are now a big part of my life...
When we got home it turned out i was really sick and i was in bed for 5 days.But now im better. My whole family and i went out to eat and it was really funny becasue my sister dropped her spoon and it flung her steak across the room and it was over she and i. Then we left and my dad and i drove my brother back to college.. we dropped him off and came back home. Then this morning i found out my brother was in the hospital becasue his intestens are inflamed and somthing weird, but hes ok i guess. Im going to get a new lacrosse stick tonight becasue i broke my one from last year on the last game we had. Calling darcy to finalize my choice of course. haha, and im getting gloves for darcy and myself and about 9847924774387 mouth guards becasue i always loose mine.
Well, i think this is one of the longest entries ive ever made.. so you better comment :o)