Sep 18, 2005 00:20
sooo another fine day at school!!! lol... ocne again i LOVED it!!! lmao.. i dunno.. butyeah.. school was fun.. event ho i had to go in on a saturday ... we had two bday parties today!! soo exciting lol... i gotta do alittle girls hair!!! woop woop!!! lol... it was a nice surprise.. except the fact that they told us that allw e would need was our manicure kits.. and we ended up needing our curling irons brushes and clips and wut not lol.. da dbrangit up for me! not willingly tho.. lol.. he didn't sound too happy wen i called lol.. but o well. he'll get over it ... btuyeah... itw as fun.. lerned how to do manicures... it wasn't too bad.. i gotta work on it tho... give me acrylics anyday... lol.. btuyeah.. it was fun... although i got like this 3 year old gurl and she had like really thin hair and it was really short so i really couldn't do much with it lol... but i managed.. poor eric.. he was having curling iron issues lol.. its all good tho... he now knows how to use it!!! good job eric!! u get a gold star!!! lol...
butyeah... so im sittin here in my pj shorts and i just noticed that i really need to shave lol... its like a forest lol.. but yeah ya didn't want to know that... it will be tomorros project lol.. sooooo excited... hillary called from work today.. we are gettint he old chem. group together to watch movies tomorro!! woop woop! sooo excited lol... havne't seen trisat or anthony in soooo long, im excited! ,,lol but yeah id unno... kinda tired.. got home and oone of our new kitties is sick.. i think its gonna die.. if its not dead already.. its having issues breathing.. itss sooo sad!! *tear*.. i thot it was doin well for a while ther.. but then it just got even worse than it was before... :'( so sad... hopefully it goes soon so it doesnt' have to suffer long.. i want it to get better but at this point i don't think it will.. butyeah.. no school till tuesday... not sure how i feel bout that... im kinda glad i get the chance to sleep in a little.. but i really like goin ... so i dunno lol.. im conflicted lol..
but yeah.. so wen i got home.. put on the mummy returns and the kitty was really cold so i held it for a while to try and raise its body heat... but i fell asleep in like 5 minutes lol... i dunno i got home and all of a sudden i was sooo tired... i guess thats wut i get for stayin up till midnight and then gettin up at 6:30 lol..butyeah.. kinda want to talk to sum1 right now... they are quite fun...
kevin called me last nite... it was nice to talk to him on the phone instead through the computer... it just took him gettin new cell phone to call. me... it'll prolly neve rhappen again tho lol... i know thats backside thinking but im tryin not to get myhopes up.... they most of the time always end up getting dissapointed ... idunno.. im just happy we still talk.. i'll take wut i can get...
so yeah.. thats enough negativity.. lol.. prolly one of the few times u will hear me be negative lol... lol except now cuz there is a fly in my room and it won't leave me alone.. and its really pissing me off!!! lol... but atleast its not a bee or sumthin that can hurt me..
but yeah.. the cookies went well today.. im glad every1 liked them... lol.. maybe iw ill do that like every other friday or sumthin lol.. just for fun... to kind of balance my life... soooo yeah forgot wut sad movie armageddon was.. never watching that again ... its right up there with braveheart and pay it forward... lol.. but idunno.. its weird todya i just feel like i need to cry.. not cuz im sad or nething.. but just cuz... .. i hate that feeling.. cuz u don't want to cry cuz u don't want ppl to think sumthins wrong.. and i just kinda feel likeim the only one that gets likethat... i know iused to have a problem with it wen i was little.. i would just come hom eand cry all nite till i went to bed.... i know its cuz the turretes.. i just wish it would go away... i know i don't have a severe case of it.. but i still have it and it still affects me.. and its hard to deal with.. winter is gonna be hard this year.. i can already tell... im gonna have to start tanning... get sum UV rays to boost the seritonin... lol butyeah this journal is way too long.. oo gettin my hair ccut next week... !!! i think its gonna be sumwut of a mohawky thingy lol.. not to sure wut i just got myslef into lol!! lol... lmao.. o well if i don't like it... the hair will grow back! lol.. but fornow.. im out!