May 30, 2007 07:48
I took myself to go see Pirates 3 last night. I liked it. I think I may have liked more then the 2nd one but not as much as the first one. Either way I was entertained and it sitll made me want to be a pirate.
But speaking of pirates and moving to Virginia. There are marietime musems there that have pirate exhibits and history on pirates from the Chessapeake Bay area! HOW COOL!
P.s: The sub system keeps callin me this AM but my phone either drops the call or it hangs up on me. Weird. Oh well I am feeling REALLY! lazy today and kinda dont feel like working. How bad is that since I only have opportunity to work thru next week. Oh wells...itll all work out in the end they say. And I have a 1/2 day job lined for tomorow and a full day one for Friday.