Jul 30, 2005 23:40
i went fishing today woopdyfuckingdoo it sucked!
Traveling - Armchair and There
Quite a view you have there, my eyes are encompassing
such sights, throbbing with excitement, thrilling
at each new encounter, holding, grasping, to retain
all that is abounding. How can I possibly remember it all, years from now. The details that escape me even in the time it takes
to commit them to notebook and line, pen, hand
movements, too slow, to catch what is there.
Already the scene is changing, speeding along in my mind!
I need more time! So much I have to say, feelings, like a fevered heat welling up. Just talk to yourself, I say.
No one has to know. Then like a cool breeze
soothing your brow when you have released
those thoughts and it surely hurt no one!
What can I possibly be thinking? Why should I desire
to see it all? Here and abroad. But, yet why not,
who's to say I cannot.
Isn't it wonderful, just the excitement of it all,
close your eyes, never leaving the comfortable chair
No, it just makes me want it more!
heres some shit for you guys... steal it and ill burn your house down!