(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 18:52

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: green or blue
Favorite Food: dark chocolate or bourbon salmon
Favorite Band: Reel Big Fish
Favorite Movie: Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Moulin Rouge, Cruel Intentions, You've Got Mail
Favorite Sport: to play: foosball
Favorite Season: fall & spring & holiday season
Favorite Day Of the Week: thursday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Oreo & Java Chip
Favorite Song: RBF Drunk Again
Favorite Person: Favorite person of the month of november: Stephen Tuskan

9 Currents...
Current Mood: comfy
Current Taste: Left over latte soymilk
Current Clothes: jeans & 3 quarter length shirt & slippers
Current Computer: Gateway laptop free cuz of warranty
Current Finger/Toenail Color: natural & broken
Current Time: 7:56 eastern, 6:56 central
Current Surroundings: the sunroom
Current Annoyance(s): That my pointer finger nail on my right hand is broken. And that my face looks like someone poured scalding hot water on it.
Current Thought: I'm definitely my deceased grandfather's (Pops) granddaughter

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Laura Harris
First Screen Name: KittyLuv67 or something
First Pet: 3 cats- Adam, Eve, and Moses
First Piercing: ears, when i was 17- only like 4 days b4 my 18th birthday
First Crush: Stephen something in 1st grade. not Grade or Post- the other one. Then Steven Post for a day, then James Batrony(?) from 3rd-5th
First Music: oh like Mariah Carey or Alanis Morisette or something
First time you flew in a plane: When I was 3. At that was the only time.
First True Love: Chocolate, Mommy & Daddy.

7 Lasts
Last Ciggarette: never. Effing disgusting.
Last Drink: technically soymilk- otherwise Downhome Punch- Jack Daniels
Last Car ride: Back from the mall/target w/ mommy
Last Text Message: oh good question. Mom saying "wow" b/c VANDY BEAT UT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Movie Seen: harry potter! HEEELLLLLLSSS YEAH!
Last Phone call: I called Sam to see where he was.
Last CD Played: Emerald Isle

6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Ha twice- maybe 3
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Well if you count traffic violations and underage drinking and stealing a chocolate egg when I was like 11, then yes.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no, but Katie & I got written up saturday night for a noise violation from our wild band party! hahaha
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: ew. no. I don't even like being naked.
Have You Ever Been on TV: I was on TV at the.. first or second? Vandy game!!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: no

5 Things....
You Did Last Night:
1. Drove home from Vandy
2. Layed on a blanket with andrew..
3. in front of a warm fire..
4. with scented candles..
5. did not have sex. (Ha you all were expecting sex! Fooled you!)

4 Places You've Been Last...
1. A new denist's office
2. Town Center
3. Target
4. Papa John's

3 People You Can Tell Anything...
1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Holy Ghost

2 Choices...
1. To come up with a valid choice
2. or to say i am currently not making any choices

1 last song...
1. Too much pressure! I don't know!! Xmas music?
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