Nov 20, 2008 12:32
I have a friend who always says that one of the most important discussions to have before getting married is about being tucked or untucked in bed. She says that if one partner likes to have their feet covered at the end of the bed, and the other is an "exposed dangler" it might end up being a dealbreaker for the marriage. What she neglected to tell me was that you have to take cats into consideration when having those and other bedroom discussions.
We have a monster under our bed. Well, not so much a monster as a fat orange cat that likes to leap out in the dark and attack your feet if you happen to dangle them over the edge. I love Max, but his nocturnal habits leave a little to be desired and sadly, the feet attacking is the least annoying and most easily dealt with of the bunch. The most annoying one is his recent decision to move breakfast time back a few hours and to remind us of this fact in the wee small hours of the morning, and somewhere around the middle of the spectrum is his tendency to sleep on my pillow.
Last night as I thoughtlessly allowed a bare toe to creep out from under the covers and was startled awake by a flurry of activity in the direction of that toe, I remembered blearily that there were only 2.5 sleeps left until our vacation, and drifted back to sleep content with the knowledge that hotel beds are generally cat-free.