Sep 08, 2004 11:38
I might have a job here at school. How freaky is that? Jimmy John's is opening just below us and I very well may be an employee there. Or do I call myself a sandwich artist? No, wait, that's Subway. Jen and I hafta go to a training sesh this Friday and take a quiz on the sandwich ingredients. If we get 80% or higher, we are hired.
The sucky things about working at JJ's are as follows:
a) we only get $6/hour
and b)we're open til 3am.
The good things about this job are as follows:
a) seeing drunks come in and get food
b) working with all college cats
c) no gas money needs to be spent
and d) i get money to fulfill my college needs (aka clothes, food, booze)
We'll see if I can handle only getting 6 dollars an hour and if I can juggle classes and such with it as well.
I've been kinda boring lately ... a sack of shit pretty much. This weekend I went home for Friday night and the day Saturday. My bro, lil Waldron, and I hit up Cold Stone Friday. On the way there, my smartass brother brought a beebee gun along with him in the car and was flashing it to people while were stopped at stoplights. Yeah, he's a smart kid. We saw that one kid that B Rind is friends with that drives the Escalade. His father passed away and so his Mom bought him that car with spinners, a playstation, and a DVD player included. Sorry Ma'am, but I don't think a car will replace a father figure. Obviously, my brother had to pretend to talk shit to him. I wanted to beat him over the head with his fake gun. I saw the Davis' there too and it was good times. The traveling basketball parents are awesome people ... I miss those times. Oh kinda funny, random story: so Friday when I was hanging out with Tony, we were watching one of those reality dating shows and one started off saying "Anthony has a crush on the hot girl at work, but can co-workers intermingle?" Haha, it was pretty funny .. but maybe you had to be there? ;o) I went shopping at the Shoppes Saturday and spent waaaaay too much money. I bought this Anne Taintor book at Goodthings and I love it! For those of you who are unfamiliar with her work, I suggest you check out her site at It's very quality stuff. I got back to Kato at 10pm Saturday. I then proceeded to bum around and drink the beers I stole from my house. I = clepto.
Sunday I went grocery shopping and went to St. Peter to hang out with Tony. I got to meet his bud Jared and such. I got to meet Jared's gf, Kaela, on Monday when they all stopped by after their dinner at Noodle's. They are quality people indeed. I can't wait to hang out with them more and get to know them better. :o)
Welp, I need to go running and I got kinda tired all of a sudden. I = lazy pants.