repeal prop 8

Nov 08, 2008 06:33

i just signed this pledge and i hope you will, too:

can i rant a little? i mean, if all the people in my state who voted for Obama had also voted against prop 8, we would truly symbolize the "change" i keep hearing about. but they didn't. a vast percentage of people aren't progressives at all- they are hypocrites.

i am more than a little wary about how people are referring to Obama- as some sort of messiah, almost. change, hope, blah blah blah. is he charismatic? yes. does he say compelling things about issues i care about? oh, yes. but i am wary of people giving over their power- because that is precisely what happened after Clinton was elected the first time. i was deeply involved in queer politics and people all but gave up in Boston and SF, mainly because they thought their job was done and someone else was now gonna pick up that torch and run with it.

what i learned from this election is not how much more progressive we are as a people, or how enlightened we are becoming as a species. i learned that elections still go to the highest bidder- be that prop 8, funded by Mormons and Catholics or Barack Obama, who raised and spent more than any other presidential candidate in history. we are a gullible species, swayed by slick advertising.

don't get me wrong- i hope Obama does all the things he promises. i read the agenda page of his website and was astonished to see some of the content there. i hope those things truly are things to be worked on and accomplished in his term(s). i think he speaks passionately and charismatically about issues that i care about. do i believe that he will fix everything? no, probably not. am i happy that we elected a head of state that the rest of the world respects and likes? yes. am i glad that we finally elected a person of color to the highest office in the land? about damn time. but the proof is in the pudding- and we are only beginning to cook.


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