more on Deacon

Jun 12, 2007 17:21

more pix and an update on Deacon.

he was angry at me yesterday. i can't say i blame him, he has been through a lot, and he probably blames me for his circumstance. he doesn't seem to blame Julia that way. then again, i am his only familiar thing from his past other than his cage. i was his sitter for years, and now all he knows is that i have him, and he is not home. poor guy. anyway, he tried to bite me, although i did not allow that to happen. and he was bewildered that i could stop him without yelling like his past mom. ah well. like i say, i cannot blame him for being cranky right now, so what's the point in getting upset that he was mad at me?

he is eating OK now, mainly Harrison's pellets and cherries. i have yet to see him eat any other food, other than treats. we are working on that- fresh foods and such. he didn't much in his last home...

he now gets out of the dining room a bit- mainly the living room. i removed the hanging gym (it would have freaked him out) above the Coby memorial tree for him and he sits there or on a knee during time out of the cage.

he is slowly becoming more comfortable here. this AM, i was amazed- he took a shower with my guys! i took him into the bathroom after everyone else was in the shower with Julia. we moved the shower curtain all the way back (he doesn't like it) and he stepped up for Julia. at one point, he freaked a bit and ended up taking his shower on her shoulder! :lol:

but we got him onto a shelf afterwards with little trouble. what a great job he did! that takes a huge amount of trust. so we feel sufficiently honored.

more later!

deacon, foster

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