I officially declare my unrequited love to Sunny the Robot.
His attractiveness is beyond human.
He's clever, brainy, and yet he is also emotional and philosophical. He is complex, but genuine. And he fights like no man does... He's just too cute.
Oh gosh. Why am I so in love with a man-made, computer-generated character? I haven't felt this way for a movie ever since I saw AI. (Don't let me start on my crashes toward Joe [_not_ Jude Law]. It took me months before I resumed normalcy. )
Do I have so little faith to flesh and bone that I have to resort to, not even a fictional character, but a fictional robot? Or am I just a robot fetish? Am I sick?
Well, who cares?
And here's something silly - I whipped it up with plain MS paint - the dumbest yet most versatile image editing program.
Now, back to errand running.