Life Coaching Homework

Jun 28, 2009 15:56

What is working? What feels good? What do I want more of? What am I grateful for?

Looking at the bank account every two weeks with my Beloved is really working. We keep each other's spirits up around money and it gives us a chance to make decisions together and inform each other about known needs for money that are coming up over the following weeks, and it makes it easy for him to be aware what is available for spending on errands and projects in a positive pro-active way. We take responsibility for the money together even though I earn the paycheck. It is just more fun to have him do it with me too!

I want more money in the bank account available to pay obligations and spend on fun unplanned things.

Sleeping until I am ready to get up in the morning and honoring my own body's clock feels good.

I am grateful for my almost grown son who is so cheerful, willing, and able to help the family with chores and tasks and who still wants to come and visit me in the summers.

law of attraction

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