The Wind

Apr 20, 2008 18:58

The Wind is starting up earlier and earlier each day as the morning warms up sooner on the clock.
We just couldn't be out in the garden in the wind today.

The wind cut short Jonathan's attendance at an earth day information sharing event yesterday - it was still a success, but he came home several hours early. Jason's flea market weekend was pretty much a bust because nobody came out to see because of the wind.

I had hoped to plant greens, beans, cut flower seeds, and gourds today, but it just wasn't meant to be. Peas and spinach are up. All seedlings in pots except the tomatoes and peppers are up. Things are progressing nicely.

I did make progress on the Alpaca Show Ringside database today - it now does a nice job of calculating and verifying age division classifications and reporting exceptions. So much more to do. Perhaps I'll go back to working on that shortly; there is some low hanging fruit I could work on.

I succumbed to the lure of an incredible colorful catalog of flower bulbs and their pernicious $25 coupon offer. Spent way too much time over the last three days drooling over the catalog and finally, with Zarah's complicity, ordered a bunch of bulbs that will arrive this fall for planting. I am totally ready to have some color.

weather, garden

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