Le Tigre/Gravy Train!!!! were wonderful! Naturally the haircuts and handbags brigade were out in their millions but I reminded myself I was only bitter because I probably was one myself, and relaxed and didn't let them get me down. I enjoyed Gravy Train loads more than I thought I would, cause I hardly ever listen to that record except for "Hella Nervous", but all their songs sounded better live and loud and the pom-pom dance routines were great. At one point a slightly bored-looking Chunx drawled, "Is this where Morrissey's from...?" before singing the first few lines of "Jack The Ripper", and mysteriously the crowd seemed to have forgotten the words. Maybe the "mouth slack and wide" line was a direct comment to the crowd of cunts at the front who couldn't refrain from screaming "LEEHTEEEGRUUUH!!" all the way through GT!!!!'s set.
I've never seen Le Tigre live before so seeing them in the flesh was quite exciting. I mean, Kathleen Hanna never saved my life or anything so I wasn't a simpering pool of teengirl adoration, but their presence on the stage, so striking and mature and bold, certainly made me swoon. I loved the way JD moved on stage and looked so modest, I loved Jo's facial expressions, so seductive, and although I've been dubious about Kathleen since Graeme told me about the time he played with her, she certainly has a loveable presence and looked like she was having so much fun. I really wanted to get up and do dance routines with them, it was perfect. Their performances even had me liking songs like 'TKO' and 'Nanny Nanny Boo Boo' which I had previously hated, and it was good to hear lots of stuff from Feminist Sweepstakes. Best songs though, by far, were "Whats yr take on Cassavettes" and "Viz". JD is great when she does her thing, I wish I had a decent photo of her.
Gravy Train and their pom-poms.
I actually wish I had left before the "Deceptacon" encore. I hate it when the whole crowd goes mad for the "hit", it's no way the best Le Tigre song, and people in the crowd were shouting for it throughout the entire set. I was dancing on my own with a good view and suddenly a group of men ran into the crowd in front of the stage and started pushing each other around, and everyone else, waving beer cans around in jubilation that the one song they knew was being played. Is it just Manchester crowds that are like this?
Anyway, I can't stop listening to 'Viz', and wondering if it's ok to fancy Kelly Jones again. Or to admit that you never stopped.