Feb 17, 2005 17:30
One wedding dress. Up to a size 12. Any style, although I'd prefer it to be bright white, not cream or ivory. It can be in any condition, although I'd almost prefer it if was a bit on the scruffy side. A veil included would be very much a bonus.
an ornate white shirt or top, possibnly lacey, which could look like a wedding dress if the wearer was photographed from the waist up.
One ballet dancer's tutu, preferably a child's or in the style of a child's. Alternatively, a leotard used by dancers. Preferably pale in colour. Any form of headwear/accessories used by ballet dancers.
I really need these for my photography and If anyone can donate, or tell me a charity shop or somewhere where I can get them very cheap, I'd love you THIS MUCH. All ballet gear can be returned to owner after use should they wish, but unfortunately no wedding dresses can be returned unless you want them back with fake blood all over them. Although I could buy washashble blood so should you want it back, I could sort it out. I understand it's a longshot than anyone would want to part with these things but it would be very, very handy.
Finally, anyone know a good place in Manchester to get masquerade masks?