Feb 12, 2005 04:28
Yesterday was GREAT, after my happy LJ post I made two pints of banana milkshake with cream, chilled them whilst I had a nice long shower and then drank them with some toast in the garden. Then I took the bus to my mum's house and made a boiled egg, perfectly soft in the middle with over-buttered soldiers. Marna came over and we ate some chocolate birthday cake from Monday and took photos and listened to music and then got dressed up (apparently I looked like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins) and went to Kingspot where I bought lots of artificial flowers, cheap bubblegum and strong glue and Marna bought a mini plastic shotgun and a TAMAGOTCHI called Dinkie Dino for £1. We then went to the park and played on the swings as the sun went down and a crowd of people leaving a funeral wake at the Irish centre strolled through to go to the pub. Then we went on those bizarre things which are like a large spring topped with a seat in the shape of an animal (nonsensical ones like chicks and turtles) and you rock back and forth on them. Then we got chips and sat on Beech Road and shivered and then we walked home. I stuck fake flowers to my lampshade and caught the bus to Cornerhouse and met Ian to see 'Sideways', which was ok, not fantastic but..pleasant, and made me crave a huge steak and bottle of red wine.
I've managed to sell my Go! Team ticket so I'm up for going down to Fight Club at la Retro tonight to see the VC's, if anyone's up for it?