May 10, 2006 20:16
wow, it's been a while. so basically my last few weeks have consisted of sophomore semi, lots of boy talk, lots of soccer, french rap, white water rafting including peter laipson in a wetsuit and wearing a helmet too small for him, writing a complicated research paper, working out, buying adidas sandels and loving them to death, aaaand yea that's all i can think of right now
guess what i DONT have tomorrow? classes. bitch. its diversity day.. i cant tell if its gonna be wicked lame or wicked fun, cos the diversity people are cool but i dunno about the potential activities. who knows.
this weekend im going shopping with dakota and elizabeth, aaand playing in an informal indoor soccer tournament here at CA as well as playing more soccer in a game... oh yes and paintballing, how could i forget. its gonna be pretty sweet. not to mention after this weekend i only have 1 week of classes left!!!! HOOOOOLY CRAP. YES.
danny is staying at my house this week because hes had to stay late all week for some reason i forget. but its been awesome, we've stayed up late eating popcorn and watching the daily show and laughing at how incredibly amazing and hilarious jon stewart is.
alright thats all for now, PEACE
p.s. peter laipson, in a 5-hour car ride, singing/teaching gospel music. YES.