this is yet another sobering look at feminism on the front lines (though I think it's rather innacurate to call it the 'new' feminism - women have been losing their lives in the battle for equality for a long, long time). The thing that really stuck with me though, and I blame hanging out with Team Ranga and the Tee-Esses yesterday, was the first paragraph:
For many women, the difference between life and death is a piece of string, a clean razor blade, a fresh bandage and a bar of soap. That's why a pitiful amount of money can save a woman, or a newborn baby, or both. And that's why, while the Australian government is expending hundreds of millions of dollars fighting a war in Afghanistan, civilian volunteers in Australia are sending thousands of simple birthing kits (bandage, blade, string, soap, plastic sheet) to Afghanistan, because it is one of the most oppressive places in the world to be a woman.
The WHO estimates that over half a million women die in childbirth every year, 99% of which are in developing nations. For every woman that dies, there is an estimated 30 women who suffer injury, infection, embarrasment and lifelong disability and pain.
That's 15,000,000. That's *way* too many zeros.
If you're looking for a NFP to support in this new financial you could do a lot worse than the
Birthing Kit Foundation or the Addis Ababa
Fistula clinic, or any of the other organisations dedicated to providing resources to help women maintain their reproductive health, safety and dignity.