Jun 15, 2006 18:34
The anciente charme of the Romanes
Thou shalt receyve goode fortune withyn foure dayes of receyvynge thys charme of lucke in thy emaile, but onli yf thou passe yt on to X othir peple.
Edward Kynge of Englande Thirde of That Name did recyve this charme yn emaile in 1346 and sente yt to ten of hys mooste noble barouns and WITHIN DAYES he dide haue a grete victorie at the battel of Crecy.
Richard Lyons merchante did receyve thys charme yn emaile in 1376 and did nat sende yt to anyone and WITHIN DAYES he was accusid of foule corrupcioun in Parliament.
Also thos who passe on thys charme shal be immune to the black deathe