Jul 14, 2010 15:08
So I've noticed that it has been a long time since I 'recorded' my life. That obviously means a: I have been so busy, or the other option, B: I have nothing to record.
I think I'm going to stick to the option of B!
I have not really being getting up to much at home, all my friends have jobs, so that leaves me just hanging around the house reading and watching TV. I have a new found favourite TV programme of 'Grey's Anatomy' and I am currenty on Series 5. I've been kinda obsessed with it recently - watching it from the very beginning for the first time. But there could be worse things.
I found out that I passed FIRST YEAR OF UNIVERSITY :D
I was so pleased, but instead of the results all coming in one go, they came at weekly intervals. I got in the 60's for everything (English Lit, History and Scottish Studies) so obviously I was very, very happy.
I also moved into my flat for second year in Edinburgh. I went over the 11th June with my Dad and met Christine where we then went to get our keys. The flat is much better than I remembered, possibly just without people's stuff. I can see that it is in a good position, has a lot of space and can be made to my satisfactions. There were a few things that didn't suit or that were broken, but we got them fixed/ are getting fixed. Christine is still there, she is staying there most of the summer until term starts.
I have seen my NI friends from university a few times, and each time it has been awesome and full of laughs. I really do miss them, and being apart from them makes me realise how good their friendship is, as my normal friends (from way back) and I don't click the same way we used too. I find myself having to tread a little carefuly everytime I speak, well, to Lauren in particular. But a wee break is good, and we've just all grown up etc.
My Granny has been in hopsital for 2 weeks - her Alzhimers is getting worse and one night she got out of bed and fell, we don't know why. She fractured a few ribs and punctured her lung (pneumothorax) but is getting better slowly but surely. It's just her mind that isn't right anymore, but as she gets older and the disease spreads, it isn't going to get easier. It's just hard, and I can see the strain on my Mum - the other night she didn't know who we all were, and I had to show her pictures of her children. It's difficult, but the best place for her is to be with her family.
I am going to Portugal tomorrow with my parents for a week which should be lovely and relaxing. Then I am back, and quickly getting all my stuff washed etc, to get packed for my trip to Ukraine with West Kirk. I am so excited it is unreal!