fic : The Generosity of Devils

Jul 31, 2009 22:17

Title : The Generosity of Devils
Pairing : Ten/Rose
Genre : Angst/Romance
Rating : All Ages
Word Count : 571
Status : Complete
Summary : He writes in blood and scratched his true name onto the pages of the book.

The Generosity of Devils

In fairytales they follow a trail of breadcrumbs, and in the end - because there are rules that govern that sort of thing - they get their happily ever after. Of course that only happens in storybooks. Real life isn't nearly as forgiving - or generous.

However, the storybooks do hold some truths, hidden away between the lines. If you know the right books, and the right stories. Knowledge is power after all.

There is one book that the Doctor knows of… well, he's heard of its legend. Whisperings in dark corners. Drunken ramblings of hobgoblins and evil things. Nonsense of course. Probably.

Ah, but then we have the rules - again - don't talk to strangers, pre-heat the oven, never leave a candle unattended - there are so many rules. He can't possibly be expected to follow them all. It would drive a person mad, if they weren't mad already.

If he breaks one, just one, no one will notice, he thinks. And he knows just the one to break.

There is a rule - just the one - but as luck would have it, it's a very, very, good one. And most people, the Doctor would agree, should absolutely follow it to the letter. But then, he isn't most people.

Before he lost Rose he'd never have believed in taking such dark steps. In fact he's sure he would have warned against them, taken the moral high ground and tut-tutted with the best of them. But that was before. Now was a different story entirely. Now there was only one thing that mattered.

He charts the TARDIS toward the darkness and she reluctantly agrees.

He opens the doors and stares at this world. The air is hot and stale, he can taste the evil and the voices of the dead call his name.

Keep away, they whisper.

He ignores them.

Keep away, they say.

He puts one foot outside the TARDIS doors.

Keep away, they warn.

He walks across the burning ground, toward the darkness.

Keep away, they scream.

He does not listen, will not listen. He knows what he must do. The rule he must break.

Never make a deal with a devil.

It is done. All that is left is for him to sign on the dotted line. He writes in blood and scratches his true name onto the page of the book. Somewhere he hears a scream, but laughter drowns out the cries of anguish and soon he forgets that he heard it at all.

He turns and walks back the way he came. He follows a trail of breadcrumbs to the TARDIS and to the blonde girl who stands there waiting for his return.

He breaks into a run and reaching her he pulls her into his arms. She's real. She's really, real. He kisses her.

Together they go inside the TARDIS and leave this place. The Doctor knows he will return again - one last time - but he has a lifetime to live first. A lifetime with the woman he loves; a lifetime with Rose.

He looks into her smiling face and says the words that he should have said before. He knows now that he will tell her again and again. He will tell her every day of their lives together.

A Time Lords soul is a pretty prize and worth a lifetime of love.

He regrets nothing.

romance, fic : the generosity of devils, rose, angst, ten, all ages

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