Title : Heart Shaped (5/10)
Pairing : Nine/Rose
Genre : Romance/Smut/Humour
Rating : Adult
Word Count : 12871 (total)
Status : Complete
Summary : He lifted her arms above her head and held them there, looking down at her with eyes that raked over her body until her laughter faded, and all she could do was stare back into his face; wishing so hard that he would kiss her.
Chapter One : Heart )
Chapter Two : Doctor's Orders )
Chapter Three : Cause and Effect )
Chapter Four : Safe-ish Distance )
Chapter Five : Mixed Signals
Rose stared back at the rogue darkness that filled the Doctor's eyes like a midnight thunder storm. It was a joke, she reasoned with all the common sense she could scrape together. A game. Had to be. He was just teasing her because she'd walked into his room uninvited. He'd let her go in a second. Any second. He'd grin at her and tell her that she should know better than to venture into strange bedrooms, where strange men lurked.
Yeah, any second, he'd do that.
Except he didn't.
Her heart felt like it was about to explode in her chest and her thoughts made about as much sense as a bowl of alphabetti spaghetti, so it took a few seconds for her to come to the only conclusion she could. Apparently the Doctor had ripped up his 'one hundred reasons not to shag Rose Tyler' list, and recklessly thrown it out into the time vortex, (risking the wrath of the intergalactic litter police in the process.)
Before Rose could protest (although if she was honest protesting was not high on her 'to do' list,) the Doctor moved again, insidiously adjusting his body until he had taken his rightful place; lying between Roses thighs. And that, dear reader, was the end of our heroine's clarity of mind. The alphabetti spaghetti was back. Double helpings too.
Rose's eyes grew wide at this sudden turn of events and she may have let out a squeak of surprise, although it might have been more of a squeal -- hard to tell. The point was that even through her clothes and the tangled sheet there could be no mistaking that. Any doubts Rose may or may not have had during her time on board the TARDIS concerning the Doctor's sexual compatibility with humans, and herself in particular, (oh don't give me that look, her mother was forever harping on about the Doctor being an alien; so it's little wonder that Rose was curious,) were well and truly stomped on. Well and truly.
After that she couldn't really help the huge smile that spread across her face. She thought that nothing would be able to shift that grin, but as it turned out she was wrong. A second later the Doctor lowered his mouth to hers and suddenly Rose's lips were far to busy with kissing to be bothered with smiling. A girl has to have priorities, even in space.
Strangely it was only when the Doctor began to trail soft but sure kisses down the side of her throat that Rose started to wonder if perhaps there might be another reason behind all of this. Not that her first theory wasn't brilliant, but it's always good to have options. After all, as good as all this was, (and it was fantastic by the way,) it was also weird, and unexpected, and well... truth be told it was all happening a bit fast.
It wasn't as if she was wearing her 'Earth girls are easy' t-shirt. Which come to think of it, she hadn't seen since the last time the Doctor had done the washing. Funny.
Rose sighed, hating herself for being right. Well, it was more of a low moan actually; the Doctor was by this time doing something quite delightful to Rose's left ear, but the more he did it, the more Rose knew that something was wrong. That's what comes of being brought up right, she thought bitterly. Oh she was so going to have words with her mother!
She tried to shut her ears to the little voice within herself that was steadily growing more insistent that she listen.
'Not exactly himself today is he?,' it whispered.
'I'm not listening,' she thought.
'Oh yes you are,' it pointed out.
'No, I'm not,' she replied, then silently cursed herself for responding to a voice that she wasn't supposed to be listening to.
Oh dear. He was starting on her right ear now. That wasn't helping the situation.
"Rose," he whispered her name into her ear, the warmth of his breath making her skin tingle and her heart leap.
Oh, she just loved how he said her name. No one said it like he did, he made it sound... the way he said it was... he just... name melt sound want now. Please.
"Oh, Rose." His hand moved under her top, the touch of his cool fingers setting her on fire.
That was it, she was done for. She was ready to throw caution to the wind, forget all about the little voice inside her head and pretty much do everything her mother had told her not to -- and enjoy it too.
His fingers were moving up her body, skimming her warmth. Rose held her breath.
Any second now.
Any second.
The Doctor's hand cupped her breast and she instinctively mewed with need for him. His thumb brushed across the delicate covering of lace, which only made things worse -- or better. Really it rather depends on how you look at things.
"Rose," Her name again, soft breath and rough desire at her ear, yet still hesitant to take the next step.
"Yes, Doctor," she breathed out the words. How could he think that she didn't want this?
He kissed her cheek, only a fraction away from her expectant mouth. "Please... Rose."
Rose's fingers cautiously crept to explore his skin. "Yes." She stared into his eyes as they glittered with temptations. But she was unprepared for the words that fell from his mouth a second before he lowered his lips to kiss her again.
"Stop me."
Chapter Six