Mar 20, 2005 12:12
Yesterday morning I went down to First Church for a meeting with the Somerville Open Studios artists who are exhibiting in our chapel space this year. Halway through that meeting, the contact person for the Arlington Players, who are renting the hall that same weekend for a public reading came in, so I transitioned from one meeting to another. Meanwhile, Phil, the shakuhachi player who rents space for lessons stuck his head in to ask if the choir, who were rehearsing the gospel cantata for Palm Sunday in the Sanctuary, would be done before he started. After he left, I explained who he was and one of the artists said "You sure have a lot of cool stuff happening here," and I had to agree. By the time I had finished up with the Arlington Players guy, the choir had wrapped up and started drifting downstairs, so I got to touch base with a few of them about various details and dates. At the same time, the Charlie Brown folks were drifting in to get started on their set-building work day. I did the bulletin while they got to work and shared some pizza with them before heading home. Visual arts, music vocal and instrumental, two different theatre did I suddenly stumble into being at the hub of this vital arts community?