What stories have you been told about yourself as a baby?
I think that it’s because my sisters were old enough to remember things that happened while I was a baby and to be part of they “hey, remember when E…” conversations, my babyhood comes up in conversation pretty frequently.
I’m planning to leave this post open and add to it as I remember different stories I have been told. Maybe Beckie or Anne will chime in with additions.
- holding up my head and focusing much earlier than expected
- first word “baby,” second word “Becca,” my sister
- calling myself Ebus, much to Mom’s puzzlement
- baby words: cugar, oo-oops, i-kippies
- calling Leo “Leelow”
- freaking people out by talking so early
- kicking on the wall to make Beckie take me into bed with her
- eating bologna wrapped around gherkins and the cat nibbling the bologna out of my fingers
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