Quite a week

Nov 18, 2018 23:39

This week has been full of things, each of which deserves a post of its own. But at the rate I post these days, I suspect I will not get around to any of them if I wait until I can write them up in detail. So here are some bullet points:

- Very early on Wednesday
dpolicar and I flew to El Paso to take part in the Let Our Families Go event of "pilgrimage, protest, and prophetic witness" on Thursday. It was centered around protesting at a tent prison near Tornillo housing migrant teens. It was a huge experience. We flew home very early on Friday morning.

- On Friday night I got to see Robyn Hitchcock perform at City Winery and realized that I first saw him in concert more than thirty years ago. It was a great show--he was really on fire.

- On Saturday I hosted the strike party for She Kills Monsters. Everyone seemed very happy, there was enough food, and the last five guests left sometime after I went up to bed about 2:30am. Here are links to the main dishes that I made, with Shelley's help:


- Today I attended our Thanksgiving intergenerational worship service, at which
muffyjo made her debut as a Worship Associate and we learned that yesterday's Harvest Moon Fair (which I was unable to attend, but which Jason did a lot of work on) earned around $19,000 for our social justice work. Afterward I attended a luncheon at our minister's new condo for some of the leaders of our congregation to meet the couple who will serve as our pastoral team during our minister's upcoming sabbatical. After a nap at home I went back to the meeting house for a planning session with some of the youth for a dance fundraiser for their service trip and then stayed for the first hour of Youth Group before begging off and heading home, where I got to read to Alice and have bedtime conversation for the first time in a week.

As I said to a couple of people today, I am grateful for the bounty of opportunities I have to do things that I love and deem important. But I will also be very grateful for sleep.

This entry was originally posted at https://lillibet.dreamwidth.org/1309327.html. You can comment either place! There are
comments over there now.


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