
Aug 04, 2017 22:07

While I was in Northern Ireland last summer, I started making a list of all the stories I tell that I'd like to write down. This is one of them.

As anyone who drives Rte. 16 through the western suburbs knows, there is no safe lane. You are always either in the right-turn only lane, or the left-turn only lane, but unless you are very familiar with the road, you will not know which until you arrive at the intersection and see which arrow is painted in your current position, assuming that the street-painters have been out recently enough for them to be readable.

One night I was performing No Exit at Wellesley and my whole family and my best friend, steve, came out to see the show. I wanted to go back to Boston afterward, so we piled into my folks' car. Beckie was driving, with my father in the front seat and my mother, steve, and I crammed into the back.

At one intersection, Beckie suddenly realized that the lane she was in had become left-turn only. She was facing oncoming traffic with another vehicle to our right, so she gunned her way through the intersection and swerved into the right-hand lane ahead of the other car.

As she completed this maneuver, we all swore, loudly. Beckie said "Jesus!" and Dad said "Damn!" and I said "Shit!" and steve said "Fuck!" and Mom said "Jeepers!" And she really meant it, because she was distracted enough not to scold any of the rest of us for our language.

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stories, memories, mom

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