Today's Prayer

Mar 03, 2013 17:26

Last night I was trying to write a prayer/meditation for today's service. I had a hard time even getting started and then really didn't feel like I was getting anywhere good, even when I started writing. Perhaps, I thought, I had exhausted my inspiration in writing my speech about Theatre@First for the Women's Alliance meeting on Friday, or with the previous post on friendship. And then I was struck with inspiration. I've been thinking a lot about seeing people, about being seen, and I thought of a way to incorporate that concept. And then I realized how challenging that would be for some people in the congregation and the additional time it would take in an already busy service and how much it would interrupt the celebratory tone we were striving for today, with the kickoff of our Meetinghouse (Capital) Campaign. So I ditched that idea, or shelved it for another, more contemplative service, and went back to what I had and finished that, feeling entirely dissatisfied with it. It's a lot more theist than I usually strive for--as a secular humanist raised in a theist tradition, drifting more toward prayer feels lazy to me--and I didn't find a way to involve any of the miraculous science I've thought about this week and that I usually work into these. I mentioned my dissatisfaction to the minister before the service--that I thought what I had was fine, but truly lacking in inspiration, and we commiserated a bit about doing this when you're not feeling it.

And then, perhaps "of course," I got more requests than ever from people who have never spoken to me before that I send them a copy. One woman asked where I had found it and when I explained that I'd written it last night she was shocked and demanded to know however I had learned to do that. Even the minister whispered to me as I took my seat again, thanking me for leading her into prayer in the midst of today's chaos. I guess that's what I get for trying to control a numinous process.

Please join me now in prayer and meditation as we quiet our inner voices, relaxing our bodies and breathing together as we share in spirit. We call upon that Great Spirit that we greet by many names, conceive in many ways, recognize in the infinite heavens, in the sound of the wind, in the faces of love.

Divine Spirit, we thank you for the many gifts you bring. For the beauty of each season, the hope of spring, and the secure knowledge that change will come. We thank you for the people you bring into our lives-the teachers and the friends, the students and the role models-for the opportunities to extend our own gifts and to accept the gifts of others. When we celebrate, you are there, in the connections of joy, binding us together in your light.

Holy Spirit, we lift up our challenges and burdens, the grief for the loss of a friend, the absence of a loved one, the hole in our hearts that sometimes threatens to engulf us. We release into your infinite mercy our worries and our fears brought by the bad news, the fresh diagnosis, the recent disappointment, the momentary humiliation. We entreat your gifts of comfort and strength, found in surprising places. When we face another long hallway on our own, you are there in the next step, drawing us forward to love.

Sublime Spirit, we do not always listen to the still, small voice that echoes in our hearts. We allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good and convenience to overcome kindness. We pass by those in need and we hoard our treasures. We meet anger with resentment and do not look past the ugly moment for the revelation of beauty. When we loosen our grip, you are there to fill the empty spaces, infusing us with the power to do right.

Great Spirit, as we draw each breath, fill us with peace and understanding. As we exhale, let our shared breath be the wind that moves the world.

writing, introspection, prayers, church

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