Happy Anniversary

Sep 18, 2011 02:09

In the company of a few close friends, we took over the private dining room at Menton and watched through the window as the staff prepared the following incredible food for us:

Elizabeth and Jason's Eleventh Anniversary Celebration
17 September 2011

Pickled Heirloom Melon
Sunflower seeds, Green Tomato, Melon Confiture
NV Simmonet-Fèbre Cremant de Bourgogne

Local Fluke Crudo
Black Sesame, Leek, Wild Sturgeon Roe
2009 Heidi Schrock Gelber Muskateller

Cape Cod Bluefish
Cauliflower, Sultanans, Smoked Brioche
2008 Nigl Grüner Veltliner Kremser Freiheit

Artichoke Barigoule, Honey, Pea Purée
2008 Chidaine Vouvray Les Argiles

Champlain Valley Triple Cream Quadrucci
Corn, Lobster Mushroom, Nasturtium

Seared Foie Gras de Canard
Ginger, Rhubarb, Tellicherry Pepper


Terrine of Foie Gras, Rise de Veau, and Rabbit
White Peach, Rosemary Raisin Toast, Verjus

2007 Kracher Beerenaulese Cuvée

Assiette of Rabbit
Sunflower Seed, Little Gem Lettuce, Parsnip
2008 Maréchal Volnay

Suckling Pig
Black-Eyed Pea, Tomato Jam, Purslane
2004 La Gerla Brunello di Montalcino

A Selection of Cheeses

Mango Mojito Sorbet
Cashew Crumble, Lime Tapioca

Warm Apple Cider Donut
Tonka Bean, Earl Grey, Cinnamon
2006 Richou Coteaux de L'Aubance "La Sélection"

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anniversary, restaurants, food, friends

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