100 Recipes - #55-56 Tilapia Puttanesca and Drizzled Pineapple

Jun 08, 2009 20:06

#55 Tilapia Puttanesca Earlier today my mom gave me several issues of Better Homes & Gardens, one of which included this recipe. True to the style, the only thing I needed to pick up was the fish. The sauce turned out much more tomato-heavy than the photo would suggest and the next time I make it, I would definitely reduce the tomatoes and increase the olives. But it was a nice quick way to cook fish without turning on the oven and worked well over rice pilaf with spinach. Definitely one to make again.

I found this one on The Amateur Gourmet, stolen from Mario Batali. It's very simple but results in a light dessert with a fascinating mix of flavors. Another win!

desserts, food, non-dairy, recipes, 100recipes, cooking

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