Different Times

Nov 30, 2007 09:16

I just read that Putin has suspended Russia's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty. Most of you have probably never even heard of that one, but I spent the summer after my junior year monitoring the negotiations. I know a lot more about what makes something a tank than your average suburban housewife.

That was a very different time, both for me and the world. The other part of my job that summer was organizing a conference for members of the US and Soviet (remember the Soviet Union?) military-industrial complexes on how to convert to a peacetime economy. I was living in a house of twenty-five brilliant, sexy, fun, nutty and so-very-young adults. Grunge had yet to make its way out of Seattle--although Nirvana had played a dorm party I was at a few months earlier--and rap music still couldn't get much play on the radio. My relationship with my parents was pretty distant. Bush pere was in office, but we had yet to send any troops to the Sandbox.

Funny how nostalgic one can be for a treaty.

introspection, news

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