English Muffin Problems

Dec 11, 2005 02:21

When my eldest sister was in college, the illegal appliance of the day that everyone had in their dorm rooms was the toaster oven. This led to the mass consumption of English muffins. With butter & cinnamon-sugar for breakfast, with tuna for lunch, with tomato sauce and cheese for a late-night snack. Everyone ate them all the time...except for Evie. Whenever someone would offer her an English muffin, she would decline it politely. Every time. Until one night my sister finally said "Evie, do you not like English muffins?" and Evie said that it wasn't a matter of taste, that she'd never actually tried one because she didn't understand them. They look sort of like crumpets, but they're clearly not, and they're not muffins in any familiar sense of the word and she just didn't know what they were supposed to be. Anne said "Evie, it's just an English muffin. You don't understand it, you just eat it." And she made one for Evie, right then and there and Evie tried it and ate the whole thing and it was good.

observation, memories, family

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