Oct 09, 2009 21:43
For every day that slips by me
I stop to watch as others pass me by
Faces strained, minds bright
Full to bursting with blinding light
Never still, cogs turning, brain churning
Spewing forth thoughts and ideas
Each discarded in their jostle
Wound up so tight
In the here and now
Time is ticking
And life is pinwheeling
Living life in the fast lane
Never stopping, never stalling
Time has caught up in this race
mind on repeat, body admitting defeat
brittle bones and sagging flesh
is all they have left
whatever their clever minds had once dealt
has long past its welt
The days have long since past by me
as I have watched others pass me by
Their jaded and saddened eyes as they realise that life has slipped
without thought or a reason as to why
accomplished nothing in the grand scheme of things
Life goes on....
poem; time: the big race