LOL! It’s Spangel fic! And it’s actually multi-part ::falls over from the shock::
And I sincerely hope I'm not spamming you all with too much fic...
Title: You Made Me Forget Myself (You’re Going to Reap Just What You Sow)
lillianmorganSetting: post-Not Fade AwayRating: For the most part it’s pretty tame, around PG-13, but eventually NC-17, m/m sex
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I have to say that my hat's off to anyone who actually writes out the NFA battle scene. The very idea of it makes me feel green. And you did such a good job!
There were so many clever little tidbits, I can't even recount them all.
Gunn had slapped his back, thinking the gift a wanted extravagance, promising golf lessons and extended lunch meetings as a reward, the last of his Wolfram and Hart brain-injection still lingering in his choices.
Totally random but that made me giggle.
I like the idea of Buffy and Angel as friends. And I do think that his being human would finally facilitate that - make them come to some kind of resolution.
And the alternating POV that eventually meets up in the time line worked very well.
Very curious about all of this. The whole Buffy being around (and apparently googly eyed over Spike) thing is an added twist. I must say that it's rather confusing to the brain sometimes to be interested in things like teh pretty, snarky Spangel while also being such a shameless Spuffy fiend.
::wishes for Spangel icon::
And btw, keep in mind - Fic posts = the opposite of spam.
I have to say that my hat's off to anyone who actually writes out the NFA battle scene. The very idea of it makes me feel green. And you did such a good job!
Thanks! I must admit it was fairly swift...but I hope plausible!
Very curious about all of this. The whole Buffy being around (and apparently googly eyed over Spike) thing is an added twist. I must say that it's rather confusing to the brain sometimes to be interested in things like teh pretty, snarky Spangel while also being such a shameless Spuffy fiend.
Yeah, it's all a bit organic I think. Or one further possibility of how they would end up after the end. I don't know if Angel is in the right headspace to deal with all this right now...but I'm not giving more away...
::wishes for Spangel icon::
LOL! There's plenty about. But still you have a rockin' Jason Lee one so!
And btw, keep in mind - Fic posts = the opposite of spam.
::wipes brow dramatically::
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