If you don't know me now, then you will do

Jul 18, 2007 14:13

Mercury Prize nominations are up - and I guess I'm shocked that Arctic Monkeys are nominated again, just for the sake of "Really? Again?" I did enjoy the album, but I guess their debut was really all about the zeitgeist. Hmmm. I love Jamie T's album so that's exciting - and Amy Winehouse, well, I think I'm slowly coming around to preferring her first album.

Obvious omissions? Well, Bloc Party for starters. I love, love, love Weekend in the City and I'm sad that the music press seemed to have dubbed them as dour and boring ::sigh:: What about The Good, The Bad and the Queen? And, even, say, the Fratellis?

Still, it's an interesting enough race to have my interest piqued.

In other news, I've finished Graham Swift's "Waterland". I really enjoyed the way he moved to and fro between the standard idea of history: events, places, names to the personal history of his family and the life-altering, personal events (rather than world wars) that shaped their own history. I loved the way he chose to flow between chapters - think this also helped the themes and style created in the narrative: the flow between history and the present, the political and personal, the flow of the waters running through the Fenland area. Not sure I came across any such characters during my time in Norwich - but, er, who's to say?

Next up: I'm going to attempt A Bit of a Blur, Alex James' autobiography. I was incredibly lucky enough to stumble across him doing a book signing at the Waterstones on Oxford Street last week - where I had my photo taken with him on my camera, got my book signed and sampled some of his cheese. Heeeeee!

And for crying out loud! Just when I start liking a player...

This is so major! It's hard work being fabulous ::sigh:: My friends subjected me to Posh's latest endeavours last night on the teev. Good for a laugh, mind.

How is everyone else?

reading, football, mercury prize, randomness

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