The moth don't care when he sees the flame

Jun 01, 2006 17:16


Um, yeah. I might have watched Ruskie Business a few times lately.

kargrif posted this nifty post at riters_r_us listing a whole bunch of resources for writing in the Buffyverse. Looked really interesting.

I wanted to thank whomever nominated me at the Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards. The banners were delivered and they are simply stunning. (I think katekat1010 you're to thank for that? Just gorgeous!). Anyway, that site is one of my favourites because you can nominate any fic or character rather than a specific 'ship or show. So go give your favourite writer or artist a happy and nominate their work! :)

Also thanks to the kind nominating fairy who nominated my fics at the forbiddenawards and at the Fang Fetish Awards. Very kind of you to take the time!

VM fandom seems to have got a bashing of late, but I'll say one thing for them. They love to share music, and that makes me smile.

Does anyone watch Grey's Anatomy? Spurred on by semby I actually did shout at my TV "OMGWTFBBQ!" toward the end of this week's double episode. (The one with Christina Ricci in it btw).

cordelianne posted this meme about her Top Ten TV Kisses and it got me thinking about what I look for in different 'ships. Anyhuu, I might pull together some thoughts on that tonight.

Oh yes, and I did the writing meme. Then chickened out on posting it, because ZOMG it got long.

Finally, in this rather hodge-podge of a post, the mystery challenge was revealed at good__evil and the banners posted here. (I believe the next round has gone up and it's Evil Halfrek and Good Anya.) Wow, they are simply gorgeous too. So many talented people out there who we should be grateful for. Though it tickles me absolutely pinker than pink that a Spike/Darla fic won that round! Hoooooorah!!! :) And it wasn't written by me! Teeeee-heeee! The word is spreading ::goes off humming a jaunty little tune::

And how are all of you after all that?

veronica mars, nominations, awards, pimpage, grey's anatomy

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