myfeetshowit who asked for Spike/Darla and the prompt of ‘mother’. Bit of a cheat really...
Best Intentions
Or Why Spike Should Probably Never Be A Dad
Setting: Post-NFA La-La Land
The boy stood before him, hesitating. “Can you … tell me about my mother?”
Spike shut the book he had been trying to read.
“Now your mum, see, sharp as a tack she was. Couldn’t get away with funny business around her. Always knew what was what, how it was getting done. Angelus, on the other hand, well, he was just louche. Never could tell which way the wind was blowin’.
But your mum? You mum was knowing. Got the best out of me. Right and proper.”
Spike winked at the boy. When he’d meet the right woman, he’d understand.