Picture Me Shocked When This Appeared in an Author's Note

Feb 06, 2014 16:34

I am not the type to harp on updating, I realize real life intrudes, sickness, family problems, work problems, scheduling problems etc. Etc. I mean it's happened to me and I've had to leave several fics high and dry but *why* would and author come right out and say that a fic might not be completed and randomly end some point? I seem to get that this is not the first time. Without explanation it does come across as I got started but I might get bored and then just stop. Why then would you start a fic in the first place? I know everyone's lives are different and, truthfully, none of my beeswax, but doesn't it seem a little rude to start and stop on, apparently, whim or am I being too hard on the Teen Wolf fandom? Of course, I can't read minds but a little gee" my life is hell right now" so this is why my fics go this way might go a long way to making that statement understandable and reasonable. If I knew that up front I'd just happily skip on by a fic that might not reach the goal the author outlined. Opinions?

author's notes

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