You know what I've never seen in HP Fanfiction?

Nov 07, 2010 14:12

A Malfoy family centric gen story. I've seen plenty (tons) of Harry/Draco slash or even Draco as evil minor underlord in plenty of other fics both het, slash and gen but wouldn't it be interesting to see the Malfoy family dynamics? And, ignoring the God Awful epilogue stuck on the end of "Hallows" see what became of Draco and his family in an AU fic? If one is out there I've probably missed it but I find the family (pureblood predjudice or not) as a great mining field for potentially great fic. Maybe someone out there has seen one or has a link to a good one? The longer the better. Slash or het is fine but gen would be good too.

harry potter, recs needed

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