Short version: While I was setting up for the Austin Flea on Saturday morning, one of my tent weights fell on my foot.
Long version: I have these weights to stabilize my tent in case of wind. They are made of PVC pipe roughly 2.5 feet high and 3 inches across, and they are filled with cement with a large eyebolt sticking out of one end. One of them tipped over from where I had it leaning, bounced off the asphalt, and landed on the big toe/ball of my foot.
Cue swearing. It HURT, but I quickly realized nothing was broken and I had to get the booth set up, so. It hurt all day, kind of a dull throbbing. When I got home and finally took my shoe and sock off, man, the bruising was SPECTACULAR. Bright red/purple, with some stylish almost-black accents. I iced it all evening, and iced it on and off all day on Sunday. The bruising has now spread to my second toe and across the top of my foot, but I can bend the toe, there's no numbness, so I figured I dodged a bullet on bone breakage.
The really annoying part is I'm still trying to get ready for the 10k in April and because of terrible weather I haven't been getting out and walking, and Sunday was absolutely gorgeous. (I did get a lot of base enameling and laundry done though, so yay?)
I'll be applying my heat pack to it all day in the hopes of making it better sooner. sigh.
But, the show was a rousing success mainly due to a couple of women just walking in and buying without even looking at the prices. Made up for a little hipster chick trying to talk me down on a pair of earrings she was buying as a present.
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