World Con Report

Sep 06, 2013 17:16

I had a really long and detailed post all planned out in my head, but I can't be arsed to write it out, as it would be pretty boring.

Short form: I sold a LOT of jewelry.

Long form: Holy shit, I sold a lot of jewelry.

I was nervous--these are my people, but this was a big financial risk for me. And you never know what people are going to want to buy.

Well, I was in the black by Friday afternoon. It was a wonderful feeling. :-)

I sold to Lois McMaster Bujold, Carrie Vaughn, Mary Kay Kare, C. J. Mills, Mur Lafferty, and several other "names". Didn't get a chance to see Tanya Huff or Seanen McGuire, but they were very busy. Had a nice talk with Jay Lake. Got dragged along to a dinner with Hugh Howie (Wool), and introduced a couple of friends to the joys of World Con Masquerades and Hugo Awards ceremonies. Restricted myself to one piece from the art show* and one bag of books.

I was able to hit the Trader Joe's in San Antonio for snacks and for frozen food on the way back to Austin. One opens here on the 20th but I'm not going anywhere NEAR it for a month at least. The crowds will be epic.

Now I have 3 weekends free this month to get ready for both FenCon and the Austin Celtic Festival, as I will be packing and moving all of October. A good problem to have, but....

* You know you've been collecting for too long when you wander through a con art show and think "That's a really nice set of originals by that artist, but my collection is much better."
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