House update 2

Aug 14, 2013 10:00

I have now signed approximately 1 million pieces of paper. I have a good loan rate, the insurance quote is reasonable, and so far there appear to be no bumps in the road. The appraisal is happening this week; I should know Friday or Monday.

They've replaced the vanity in the smaller bathroom, which is nice.

I've been getting weird quotes on moving. Seriously, they're ranging from $400- $1000. "Oh, it will take at least 8 hours to move you!" Bullshit. It's a small 2-bedroom apartment. I'm going to move all my clothes and art and electronics and loose things (vacuum, etc.) myself. It's going to be boxes and furniture, and while I will have a LOT of boxes--I have a LOT of books--I really don't have much in the way of furniture. It's not going to take any 8 hours, I assure you. I'm going with one of the hourly rate guys, I think. They seem the most efficient. But if anybody local has suggestions, please pass them along.

The plan is to have a packing/move loose stuff party a couple of days before the move and pay a cleaning service the day after. Then the next week is FenCon.

...and I just got a notice that I am a possible marrow match. Why now?
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